Friday, March 3, 2017

Friday Foto Friends + UU Lent - Photo a Day - March 3, 2017

Today I'm joining Deb for Friday Foto Friends. Come join us and share your photos!

This past week I came across the 2017 Photo a Day for Lent. For the 40 days from March 1st until April 16th, the challenge is to "intentionally reflect on a daily word, carry out awareness throughout the day, and capture an image that represents the word for us."

On Sundays, the goal is to not only reflect on the word, but "also embody and enact it in our lives." Words like: partnership. Resilience. Sanctuary. Mercy. Understanding. Hospitality. Rejoice.

What do these words - and 40 others - look like in one's life?

So far this week the two words have been quiet and surrender. To be honest, I didn't focus as much as I could have on the first two days because I'm also doing the 40 Bags in 40 Days challenge and trying to write one letter per day for 40 days. This was in addition to getting ready for the 4-H meeting on Thursday, March 2nd.

At any rate, as I looked at the photos I took on March 1st, I actually did take one that represented quiet. It's of three of the four dogs resting in the dining room/living room. Cooper and Scooby are laying on the floor; and Aspen has the couch to herself. Danny is upstairs resting on Sophia's bed.

The four dogs - just six weeks ago - did not know one another. Scooby and Danny joined our family (they were a bonded pair who we adopted from the humane society) in January. At first, each bonded pair needed be kept in separate rooms, let out at different times, and walked on separate sides of the road.

Now, after a slow introduction, they are able to be in the same room together and have quiet times together which is nice.

The second word for the week so far is surrender. When we came home from the 4-H meeting last night, we brought all the bags of supplies into the house. The dogs were so eager to see what was in them.

Scooby, I believe, remembered one of the first times he was here and I came home from shopping and put bags on the floor. Sure enough there was a special toy in one of the bags that he found.

Now he thinks each time I bring bags into the home there's something for him. Well, he indeed found something in one of the bags he liked: a little stuffed dog.

His tail wagged and he carried around the stuffed animal. He found a spot on the rug to relax and chew on the toy...his back legs relaxed behind him.

He happened to put down the stuffed dog for a moment and one of the other dogs quickly grabbed it. Scooby looked up with a look like he surrendered - and lost - something he had come to quickly value. He was needing some help retrieving it....thus, the look up at us.

Eventually, the stuffed animal made its way back to Scooby. The nice thing about Scooby is that at ten years old, he's patient and forgiving of the younger dogs. He's such a good dog, and we are fortunate to have him (as well as Aspen, Cooper, and Danny) in our lives.


  1. It's amazing how our pets learn. Love the way your dog looks for a toy when you come in. My Madi has learned that I bring her a treat when we go out to eat, now no matter where we go when we leave she is waiting for a treat when I come in the door.
    Thanks for visiting with me and leaving your sweet comment.

  2. Being a dog lover myself, I loved your post today. Very pretty dogs, they looked relaxed and happy. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Scooby, I'm glad her toy come back to her!!

  3. I'm so glad they have all been learning how to get along!! Wonderful pics. :)

  4. Scooby looks like he's thinking "mom he took my toy!" So cute!

  5. This is the sweetest post... Love the pics of your precious pups. I did a screen shot of the calendar. I like anything that has to do with fotos. Thanks for sharing and linking up today.

  6. You found a clever and interesting way to look for photos! I'm so glad your pups are getting along better. We adopted a new cat last week and our older cat, Garfield, is slowly warming up, too.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!