Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Simple Woman's Daybook - January 17, 2017

For Today...


Looking out my window...I see snow still covering the ground despite the warm day (34 degrees!). Compared to just a week or so ago when it was 15 degrees below zero, this feels summer-like.

I am thinking...about how peaceful it is in the country and how much I enjoy living in a rural area.

I am thankful...that the roads were clear today as I drove the girls to their homeschool co-op and Sophia to harp lessons; and I did many errands in between that time.

One of my favorite things...my pets. We have two dogs, three cats, and two horses now.

Cooper: German-wirehaired Pointer mixed with a Golden Retriever.

This is a low number compared to what we've had in the past.

Aspen: American Staffordshire Terrier mixed with a Siberian Husky.

Our remaining three cats all are seniors, and we're noticing some health issues with each of them. Hopefully they are with us for a while.

I am creating...a variety of things. Three projects are small quilting ones that I am completing including a pillow and two wall hangings. Purchased backing fabric for the three projects today. Hope to have everything sewn by this weekend.

I am wearing...comfortable clothes now that I am back home.

I am reading...three daily inspirational books in the morning. Each one has a different focus and has a one page reading with a quote, passage, and closing thought.

I am hoping...to hear back soon about Olivia's finding ad. There is a research company that specializes in locating finding ads for children who were abandoned in China. The company has the ad that was placed in the local paper for Olivia, but not Sophia. This ad (if it has a picture) will be a new one that would show her at only a few days old - something we do not currently have.

I am learning...to be more patient. Both Sophia and Olivia did 23andMe DNA testing earlier this month.

The results take 6-8 weeks before we will receive them.

At that point, we can upload the information to various sites for more specific information about their health and background.

One of the things that we all are interested in learning more about are which ethnic minorities each one has in her background. There are 55 ethnic minorities in China - all with different customs, food, language, clothing, and so forth.

Between the ethnic and health information, they will both have significantly more insight into their background than we have been able to provide to them to this point. It is very exciting for us all...yet difficult to wait for the results!

In my kitchen...my goal is to try a new recipe each week during 2017. I've tried quite a few new ones already this year which has been fun. Made lemon-mustard pork chops which turned out well; and a casserole that was almost like homemade spaghetti - except baked and with melted mozzarella cheese on top.

In the school room...we learned about Screech Owls and Red-tailed Hawks from the Warner Nature Center.

The raptors were at our monthly club meeting which was exciting. I had no idea Screech Owls were so small. They always look so big in pictures.

I enjoyed being able to see these birds up close. Their beautiful markings, feathers, and eyes were all so fascinating to look at from such close a distance.

In my garden...everything is covered with snow.

Board room...I will be teaching a workshop for 4-H youth on January 28th about Healthy Breakfasts. One of the things the children/teens will learn to make is Overnight Oats. There are several different recipes on this PIN. The youth will have a variety of fresh fruit, nuts, seeds, oats, and yogurt from which to create their breakfasts.

Post Script...in addition to the Healthy Breakfasts workshop, I'm going to teach a bookmaking workshop to 4-Hers. One of the books that I thought would be fun to make is on this PIN which leads to October Afternoon.

The book she made is shown above. It would be a fun book for the youth to create; and then they can enter it in the county fair in July.

Shared Quote...this is a quote that I came across today:

A moment from my day...actually it was a few days ago. Sophia,  Olivia, and I were at Northwoods Humane Society where Sophia plays the harp for the dogs and cats waiting to be adopted.

It is amazing to see the impact that music has on animals - especially ones who are highly-stressed, anxious, recovering from surgery, or elderly.

Normally we take the cats out and bring them to another room. However, on Friday Sophia played the harp right in the cat room so the cats could stay in the kennels where they feel safe.

They responded well - some were very inquisitive and were peering out of their cages at Sophia. We took a couple of the more interested cats out so they could get a closer look at the harp. They seemed to enjoy it.

Closing Notes....thank you for coming by and visiting.


  1. I really enjoyed my visit to your blog. I loved your shared quote. I would love to check back to see what your daughters find out.

  2. Sounds like the DNA testing will be really fascinating and informative! So exciting!
    We're in the 30s up here for days, too--and it does feel like spring!! :)

  3. Reading you was like reading a friend's post. Very close to what I think, in fact.
    Living in a rural area is a big treasure. We live in village with 700 people, and it's so inspiring and warm! Totally other quality of life!
    I was also impressed with the picture of playing for dogs. Our own dog was adopted. and I've written a post about him today. If you want, you can read it, too.
    Greetings from Hungary,

  4. Hi Ann,
    I'm visiting from Simple Woman's Daybook. You and the girls have been busy with some interesting projects - on Chinese minorities and raptors. The ideas make learning real and interesting! I loved hearing about your animals, as we have several - and love to take pictures of them too. Finding new recipes keeps cooking for the family fresh and interesting. The pork chops sound lovely! Have a blessed week:)

  5. A new recipe each week! What a great idea! And a harp! Your home must sound so lovely!


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!