Monday, December 28, 2015

Nature Photo of the Week - Week 52 - Waterfall

Of course I would leave the "Waterfall" theme for the Nature Photo of the Week challenge until the last week of the year. In Minnesota, there are not many waterfalls that aren't frozen over at this time of the year. (Though, actually, a couple of weeks ago when it was in the 40s, none of the lakes, rivers, or waterfalls had frozen over for the winter. It was very atypical for this time of the year.)

At any rate, I wanted to find something that showed water - in some form - at this time of the year. Snow is the closest thing to a waterfall that I could find.

As I walked around the backyard yesterday afternoon, I looked for snow that was falling over an edge - just like a waterfall. In this case, the snow was falling over the edge of the branch...just a little, but it was still making its way downward.

A few day ago, there was a beautiful snowfall and all the branches were covered with a couple of inches of snow. Those mornings - when I look out the window and see everything layered with snow - are some of my favorite ones in the winter.

Although I'm not a fan of frigidly cold weather, I do like seeing the snow on the evergreens. It doesn't stay for long like that - the wind blows the snow to the ground. Yet, for that short period of time, it truly can take me to another world of peaceful solitude.

1 comment:

  1. It's so windy up here that seeing the snow sitting on top of the tree branches is a brief occurrence. Very pretty, I agree. :)


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