It seemed fitting that the prompt for the Nature Photo of the Week challenge that I chose for this week was "Pebbles."
"From 530 million years ago up until 70 million years ago, the state was washed by advancing and retreating seas. Evidence of these ancient seas is revealed in the sedimentary rocks and formations found in the park. These rocks contain fossil remains of ancient animals, evidence of various creatures, and ripple marks left in stone by the now vanished seas.
"Actually, there have been many different St. Croix Valleys down through the ages. The original one was formed about 70 million years ago. The last one, which exists today, was formed about 10,000 years ago."
When I think of the size of the glaciers in relationship to the size of the rocks that were before me, they are pebbles - such small rocks - compared to the massive glaciers moving through this area.
And all that slow work by nature left such beauty today!! Amazing when you stop to think about it. :)