Friday, October 23, 2015

Nature Photo of the Week - Week 42 - Crisp

This week for the 42nd week of the Nature Photo of the Week challenge, I chose the word "Crisp."

The Indian corn was hard to the touch - nothing like the sweet corn we enjoy during the summer. Each of the ears we saw had different colors - so vibrant in the sun. The husks were crisp and were quite loud as we pulled them back to reveal the colorful corn kernels.

There was Popping corn too - equally as crisp or hard as the Indian corn. It, too, was beautifully colored.

I took this photo at Lendt's Pumpkin Patch in Wyoming, Minnesota. They offer a hayride for groups where we were able to see beehives and learn about bees; pick a pumpkin from the field; and choose two ears of corn (one Indian and one Popping). There were lots of opportunities for kids to play on equipment and in a corn pit - complete with a slide, buckets, shovels, and gutters that you could pour the shell corn down from the second floor to first floor.

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