Sunday, October 25, 2015

Birds of Minnesota State Parks - Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks - Week 43

For the 43rd week in the Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks challenge, I read Birds of Minnesota State Parks by Robert Janssen.

I enjoyed looking at the photographs of the birds in this book - there is a different bird featured for each of the state parks. One of the birds - the bobolink - immediately caught my eye. It is on the Fort Ridgely State Park page.  It is an unusual bird in that its top side is white and its underside is black. It's one of the birds that we learned about during the 4-H Wildlife Project Bowl.

Each of the park sections has recommended birding areas as well as a map that includes the hiking trails and camping areas.

It was interesting looking at the many state parks we've visited throughout the years; and has inspired me to want to make a point of exploring other parks throughout Minnesota in the upcoming year.

Birds of Minnesota State Parks would be a book worth investing in to take a long on day- and extended trips to the parks. The only thing missing from this book is a master list of birds that the reader can mark off when s/he sees them. In lieu of doing that, highlighting the birds in the index would be the next best thing.

1 comment:

  1. One bird highlighted for each park. That's sure a different way to format a book. I like that it has something about each park, though. :)


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