Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Making Homemade Jelly Mints (Tutorial)

Each year for 4-H, the teen ambassadors choose a theme for special projects that youth can do for the fair but are not eligible to go to the State Fair. This year the theme is "Candyland."

As we were looking on Pinterest, we came across a pin for Hello Jelly Mints that led to Dixie Crystals.

The recipe is very simple, although the rolling out and forming of the gumdrop-filled logs is of medium difficulty, especially for Olivia who made the mints.

The yield for the recipe is between 80-90 pieces. However, Olivia was able to make 106 mints. These are great for a party or a light dessert after a meal.


4 cups powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup cold water
Gumdrops cut into narrow strips

You will also need: a mixing bowl, measuring cups and spoons, and a knife or kitchen shears.


Put powered sugar, peppermint extract and salt into a mixing bowl.

Add water gradually, stirring until sugar is moist.

Knead (mix thoroughly with hands) until mixture is stiff enough to roll out.

Divide candy into small pieces, about 1 and 1/2 tablespoons for each piece.

Flatten candy into rectangle shapes and place gumdrop strips in center.

Roll candy around gumdrops.

Then slice and serve.

The candy lasts for quite a while in the refrigerator. It's a nice, light treat to have that we enjoyed after meals and in the middle of the afternoon. Everyone who tried the Jelly Mints liked them. We will definitely make this recipe again.


  1. Looks like a lot of work, but they turned out great. :)

  2. Thank you for posting this! I've been looking for this sort of candy online but unable to find anyone who sells it anymore.


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