Saturday, February 8, 2014

Creature - LEGO Quest #6

For the sixth challenge of LEGO Quest Kids, the goal is to design a creature. According to LEGO Quest Kids, "A creature, is a living organism, generally the non-human kind. Insects, bugs, birds, animals, sea creatures, plants, fungus, micro-organisms, maybe even other-worldly.

"This creature can be something that already exists, or it can be something that you have just discovered. It can live on Earth, or a different planet.

The challenge concludes with this additional component: "What I would like to know is its habitat - the environment in which it lives. You can tell me anything about this creature to describe it, like its name, what it eats, etc. Share as much or as little information as you like."

With this in mind, Olivia created a horse.

Snowflake, the horse, that Olivia created.

She named her mare "Snowflake" and said that she can live anywhere because she is a horse. She does prefer the barn as a place to live. Snowflake likes to run in the field, especially in the fall which is her favorite season.

Snowflakes like to eat hay. Her favorite treats are " candy," Olivia said.

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