Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Countdown to Thanksgiving - Day 12

Today is the last day of the Countdown to Thanksgiving. Since we have had a busy week so far, we chose to focus the morning on homeschooling.

We read three things: a Thanksgiving fact, gratitude quote, and Thanksgiving joke as part of the Countdown.

Thanksgiving Fact: 

The pilgrims didn't use forks; they ate with spoons, knives, and their fingers.

Knife and Pumpkin Innards
A knife and spoon...two things that Pilgrims would have used when eating.
(Photo taken on October 30, 2012.)

Gratitude Quote: 

Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. ~ Native American blessing.

Tipi on Drive up North
The girls by a tipi on the way to Grand Marais.
(Taken on June 18, 2006.)

Thanksgiving Joke: 

What’s a pilgrim’s mother called? (Pilgranny)

Other Activities of the Day:

The girls spent part of the afternoon with their senior friend, Mary. She visits the girls each week and they do activities together. Sophia and Olivia enjoy their time with Mary; and I think Mary looks forward to her time with the girls as well.

Today they went to the library - both to return books as well as check out some new ones.

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