Friday, March 8, 2013

Outdoor Hour Challenge: Winter Series #7 - Winter Birds (Bird Migration)

One of the important parts of homeschooling for us is nature journaling. Each week, I have selected a different subject for the girls to read about; and then write and illustrate in their nature journal. We use The Handbook of Nature Study's blog as a wonderful reference. 

At the end of January, the girls learned about bird migration and winter birds as part of the Outdoor Hour Challenge: Winter Series #7: Winter Birds (Bird Migration). Both Sophia and Olivia were very interested in how high birds fly. So, they each included a chart that showed the height that birds fly. 

Sophia's nature journal entry.

On the left hand side are numbers that mark miles. Along the base of the chart, the girls did lines with the names of the birds and the average height above the ground that they fly.

Olivia's nature journal entry.

Sophia also included another page about some facts about bird migration that she found interesting. She added a couple of drawings to illustrate her points.

Sophia's page of facts about bird migration.

Nature journaling can be a bit time-consuming by the time the books are read, time is spent outside, and drawings and illustrations are done.

That being said, the girls have journals that they can look back on that immediately connects them to experiences and times they have spent in nature. It is truly a highlight of homeschooling for us.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that nature journaling can take a bit of time but the learning is so deep and meaningful...I know you see the value as much as I do. Thank you for sharing your ideas for this challenge and your notebook pages too.

    Thanks for contributing to the OHC Blog Carnival.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!