Friday, February 15, 2013

3 in 30 February Goals - Update #1 and #2

During February I set three goals for the 3 in 30 challenge. Here's how I am doing on them:

1. Take Sophia and Olivia on two field trips for homeschooling. The field trips will be happening during the third week of February. We will be going to Vertical Endeavors for indoor rock climbing; and to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.

The latter field trip will be with my Mom who will be on the "white glove" tour which allows visitors who have vision impairments to touch various pieces of art work while they are being described by a docent.

This week I talked with the docent who will be doing the tour at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. She wanted to know if we all wanted to wear white gloves and do the tour...not just my Mom. Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity. 

Sophia and Olivia are even more excited to go the MIA because now we will get to touch some of the artwork that we've enjoyed seeing, but haven't had the opportunity to touch since the MIA is a hands-off museum. 

2. Do one cleaning/de-cluttering project each week. The four areas that I want to concentrate on during February are:
=> the linen/towel/medicine closet;
=> the fabric bins in my office;
=> the "to-do" projects in my office; and
=> the items in one section of my office which need to be put away or donated so there is more space.

I have not made any progress on this goal. We adopted a puppy last week, and the majority of my time is focused on getting Cooper acclimated to his new home and homeschooling. 

Montague (the golden retriever) and Cooper (the puppy) 
spending some time with Bailey (the pony).

The plus side of having the puppy is that I have been taking walks each day - anywhere between 30 minutes to one hour. Perhaps I should change this goal to an exercise one least I could say I made some progress on it then. 

The dogs on their first walk together.

3. Get federal and state income taxes done. 

This week I grouped all receipts, paperwork, and tax statements together by category (e.g., mortgage payments, medical, dental, business). I also began totaling some of the categories (ones that begin with letters A-D are done; categories that begin with letters E-Z remain). Then I need to enter the totals onto the form for the CPA so she can complete the taxes.


  1. Congrats on your new puppy!! Hope your upcoming week is great.

  2. Oh, that puppy is adorable!! We have 2 dogs and while at times I shake my head to ask WHY we have TWO dogs, they are so cute together!

    That is really cool that you all get to do the white glove tour. Can't wait to hear all about it!


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!