Sunday, December 16, 2012

Take a Stitch Tuesday - Split Back Stitch - Week 50

This week I learned how to do the Split Back Stitch. It reminds me a lot of the chain stitch. Between the two stitches, I prefer the chain stitch because it gives a cleaner and more refined look to each stitch.

The Split Back Stitch requires separating the individual embroidery floss threads with the needle and equally dividing them. It's a bit more work than the chain stitch and tends to break apart the floss so it doesn't always lay nice and even with the other threads.

Nonetheless, I enjoyed doing random stitching using a variety of bold colors on vivid yellow wool felt. It reminded me of the colors I often see with Swedish embroidery, painting, and edging.

This week was the St. Lucia service at church as well as the annual Christmas play. We also went to Gammelgarden Museum (a Swedish museum), so it seemed appropriate to use the bright colors in the embroidery sampler.

I followed the same format as I have for the past 49 weeks by including a personal reflection about what happened during the week, the name of the stitch, and a gratitude list. The two images I included this week are:

=> Angels - Sophia and Olivia each played an angel during the Christmas play. When I saw the images of these angels on a Christmas card, I knew it needed to be included in this week's journal.

=> Bird - The image of the bird is made from a variety of pieces of painted wood and is sitting on a piano key hammer. The piano hammer is fitting since the girls practice the piano every day...the house is always filled with music it seems.

The bird's many colors and parts reminds me of the new bird we've been seeing this week at the feeder: a Harris' Sparrow. It is native to Canada, but migrates to south. The bird that is here either considers Minnesota warm enough or is passing through. I hope it ends up staying and making it through the winter.

It's an interesting blend between a cardinal, grosbeak, and sparrow. The way it scratches for food reminds me of a chicken. I see no other bird ever scratching for food at the feeder...only the Harris' Sparrow.

It brings back good memories of when we had chickens here roaming around the farm. They were all rare and endangered breeds, so it was fun to see the variety of chickens that aren't normally seen on farms.

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