Sunday, December 2, 2012

Take a Stitch Tuesday - Looped Running Stitch - Week 48

For the 48th week of the Take a Stitch  Tuesday challenge, I learned how to do the Looped Running Stitch.

This stitch is just a variation of the running stitch. It incorporates the technique of the Chinese or Pekinese stitch. It looks best when threads of various colors are used over borders. 

I found that when the stitches are done in a row, they turn out uniform. It's when one attempts to go around a corner (see image below with the "A" in the center of the embroidered box), that the ends looks a bit off and don't match the other sides well.

As with last week, I chose only two images to include with the stitched samples, gratitude list, stitch name, and personal reflection:

=> Bear wearing ice skates with an evergreen tree in her arms - This is a reference to getting the Christmas tree and setting it up this week.

=> Wreath of presents - For some reason, this reminded me of an Advent calendar. Even though ours is different (we have small wool felt envelopes with hand-embroidered numbers on the outside flap of each one), it is a visual reminder of the start of the Countdown to Christmas and the daily activities we will be doing to celebrate the holiday season.

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