Saturday, December 22, 2012

Harp Rehearsal - Countdown to Christmas - Day 22

This morning's focus for the 22nd day of the Countdown to Christmas was on preparing for the 23rd. Sophia  had a harp rehearsal in the morning at church to practice several songs she will be playing tomorrow as a prelude to two services.

Sophia practicing one of the Christmas songs.
(This was actually taken on Monday, December 17th.
I didn't want to distract anyone by taking pictures at the rehearsal.)

For some of the songs, she will be playing with her harp instructor and the organist; and another song she is  part of an ensemble of two harps (Sophia and her instructor), the organist, and violinist.

What was inspiring for Sophia to see was both her harp instructor and violin instructor practicing and performing together...and being able to be a part of that ensemble.

At 11 years old...this is a special and memorable opportunity for Sophia.

To have such positive role models in her life who are helping her grow both musically and in character is truly a gift that will last her lifetime; and will positively affect those whom she meets and befriends.

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