Friday, October 12, 2012

Take a Stitch Tuesday - Knotted Loop Stitch - Week 41

This week for Take a Stitch Tuesday I learned how to do the knotted loop stitch. For the sampler, I wanted to see the different looks that the stitch had when the space was varied.

The knotted loop stitch is worked right to left, so I began with stitches that were close together. Gradually, as I moved to the left I increased the distance from two spaces to three spaces. There are five stitches within each spacing.

The stitches are done at a slight angle, with the one on the lower half being slightly to the left (by one space). Out of the groupings, I like the ones that are close together.

As with each week I've been doing the Take a Stitch Tuesday challenge, I've created an entry in my embroidery journal that includes a personal reflection, gratitude list, name of the stitch, the sampler, and images that represent what I saw and/or did during the the period reflected.

I can't believe it's already the 41st week of the TAST challenge. Only 11 more left to go.

As I look back on the journals, I'm so happy I did each component. From the first week of the challenge (when my father died) to the present, I have 41 journal entries that reflect what happened during this difficult year as well as 205 things that I listed on the gratitude lists.

205 good things to look back on during a year of grieving...with more things to come. By the end of the year, I'll have 260 memories of gratitude.

Taking the time to appreciate the people, pets, and things that have sustained me this year has been a positive action for which I am truly grateful for doing.


  1. I wish I could do stuff like this! I can make a simple blanket, but get frustrated with other stuff HAHA

  2. Thank you for teaching how to make stitches....sewing/cross stitching is something I need to learn more of!


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!