Sunday, October 21, 2012

Take a Stitch Tuesday - Fern Stitch - Week 42

For the 42nd week of the Take a Stitch Tuesday challenge, the featured stitch is the Italian Knotted Border Stitch. After taking a look at how it is done, I realized that I would probably not use it after I learned it.

So, instead I found another stitch that I more than likely would use: the Fern Stitch. It's a simple, orderly stitch that I enjoyed doing.

The fern stitch sampler I did.

As with past weeks, I included the sampler in my journal which includes a personal reflection, list of five things for which I'm grateful, the name of the stitch, and images that represent the week.

The pumpkins are a reminder of the ones that Sophia and Olivia carved at their 4-H meeting. We - along with another family - delivered them to the nursing home as we've done in past years. The staff and residents seemed very happy to see the pumpkins again this year.

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