Sunday, October 7, 2012

Take a Stitch Tuesday - Couched Filling Stitch - Week 40

This week for the Take a Stitch Tuesday challenge, the featured stitch was the beaded hedebo edge stitch. When I looked at it, it appeared very labor intensive for the small area that it covered - despite the fact that it is a pretty stitch.

It consists of a foundation row of cross stitches which are then worked over in beads and scalloped with a form of a buttonhole stitch. The goal is to pack the stitches in between the beads so it looks like a solid surface - almost like it is tightly knitted or crocheted.

I know that I wouldn't take the time to do this stitch in the future on any embroidery project or quilt. It's just too much work for the outcome. So, I chose another stitch that I did not know yet, but would be likely to do: the couched filling stitch.

The stitch itself is very simple. Simply stitch rows of long stitches over the entire shape in a criss-cross method. Then, at each intersection of the long stitches, stitch a small cross-stitch to anchor it down.

Once I completed the little sampler, I included in the TAST embroidery journal I'm keeping. This week, as with past weeks, I've included a personal reflection, gratitude list, the name of the stitch, and a collage of images that represented the week.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness! That does look time consuming! But very pretty. Our ancestors must have had great patience. ;)


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