Monday, October 29, 2012

Countdown to Halloween - Bat Theme

On the 12th day of the 13-day Countdown to Halloween, the theme is "Bats." Because the girls had their homeschool co-op today, we didn't have as much time at home to do a lot of holiday projects.

So, we focused on one recipe that we wanted to try: Bat Bites.

Sophia with the Bat Bites she made.

The pin links to My Recipes that says, "These bite-sized bats have an adult-friendly flavor from the goat cheese, cream cheese, and pesto mixture. The kids will love to shape the bats' bodies, decorate their faces, and give them wings. Keep it simple by preparing just about everything ahead of time."

Three Bat Bites that we made.

We chose to ship the goat cheese and just use cream cheese in its place. Also, we made only a half a batch (8 servings) rather than a whole batch since we didn't know what the recipe would taste like. After making it, we definitely would do a full batch next time.


• 4 ounces cream cheese, softened
• 8 ounces soft, mild goat cheese, at room temperature (we used cream cheese instead)
• 1/4 cup pesto
• 2 tablespoons coarsely ground black pepper
• 2 tablespoons poppy seeds
• 8 pitted olives, sliced (we used green olives with pimento centers)
• 32 peppercorns (we used the olives with pimento centers)
• 32 triangular blue corn chips


Mash together cream cheese, goat cheese and pesto. Chill for 40 minutes.

Shape mixture into 16 2-inch balls, about 1 heaping tsp. each. Roll in black pepper and poppy seeds to cover. Press two olive slices into balls for eyes and place peppercorns in centers for pupils.

Olivia with her Bat Bites.
She used cream cheese only for the inside and
poppy seeds only for the outside.
This was easier for her to eat - no spicy or unusual ingredients
to have to handle.

Insert chip on either side of ball for wings; serve.


  1. These are super cute! TY for sharing :)


  2. I'm not big on goats cheese - so I am glad you can sustitute cream cheese! Thanks!

  3. Aha, I remember the great times our son and I had at his homeschool group.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!