Saturday, September 1, 2012

P52 Photo Challenge - Endless Summer - Week 35

The theme this week "Endless Summer" reminds me of the hot weather that has once again reappeared during these last few days of August and beginning of September.

There was a reprieve from the high humidity and triple-digit temperatures a couple of weeks ago which was so nice. Now, summer has returned and doesn't want to let go.

One of the traditional signs of the end of summer and transition to autumn is the Minnesota State Fair. After not going for several years, we went this past 87 degree weather. It is going to be one of the coolest days of the week.

The girls had fun going on the giant slide.

Olivia and Sophia screaming and laughing 
as they went down the giant slide.

We enjoyed watching the sheep being unloaded from a trailer, and then seeing them run throughout the barn aisles to get to their pens.

A giant safety pin in the covering over one of the sheep.

And, the girls' favorite part of the fair: seeing the horses...especially those getting ready for shows.

One of the Clydesdale horses relaxing 
as she was being prepped for a show. 
She had bows on her tail and on her mane.

We are already thinking about next year at the Minnesota State Fair; and what we want to see and do. If it's anything like this year, it will be a lot of fun! 

Project 52 - p52 weekly photo challenge with Kent Weakley

1 comment:

  1. ooh, I love the giant slides!! Happy end of summer to you!
    visiting from Project 52


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