Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fruit and Yogurt in Wonton Cups

This month, Sophia is learning about the Eastern Hemisphere as part of her history/geography lessons. The focus for the first six weeks is on China. One of the things she made was wonton soup.

We had some wonton wrappers that we didn't use, and I came across this pin from Super Healthy Kids. Thought it would be a good way to use up the wrappers.

The Fruit and Yogurt in Wonton Cups can either be used as a healthy mid-afternoon snack or a dessert. With only a few ingredients, it is something that children could make as well. (A parent may want to make the wonton cups ahead of time so the child only has to assemble the ingredients.)

Fruit, yogurt, and granola all tucked into wonton cups.
These little snack bites that I made for dinner one night
were gone in minutes!

The first step is making the wonton cups. I sprayed a mini-muffin tin, and then pressed a wonton wrapper into each space. The original recipe said to bake at 375 degrees for about 8 minutes until they started to turn golden. At about 6 minutes, they were starting to turn golden.

After the wonton cups cool, fill each one with:

=> Yogurt – I used strawberry-banana yogurt.
=> Granola – Just a little bit.
=> Fruit – I used diced kiwi, blueberries, and strawberries.

Easy, quick, and delicious! They are the perfect snack or dessert for children and adults alike.

What are some ways that you get your children to eat more fruit?

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