Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Take a Stitch Tuesday - Sheaf Stitch - Week 35

This week for Take a Stitch Tuesday, the featured stitch is the Sheaf Stitch. This was an easy one compared to last week's stitch (the Linked Double Chain Stitch), and one that was enjoyable to do.

I think this would be a beautiful stitch with the addition of beads or other embellishments. It also would be interesting to experiment with different lengths and widths of the trio of lines.

As with each week in the past, I included a personal reflection, a list of items for which I'm grateful, and images of things that represent the week.

On the left page, there is
=> a sun to represent the high temperatures once again.
=> a hummingbird to remind me of the ones that are visiting the feeder each day along with the butterflies who drink from the same feeder.
=> a purple flower to represent the little flower bed by the back door that is in full bloom with violet, magenta, orange, and gold flowers.

On the right page, there is an image of an angel. I chose this handmade paper cast because a couple of times this past week my mom has shared how she feels like my dad is around us, and how he makes his presence known.

When Sophia, Olivia, my mom, and I took a trip to southeastern Minnesota this past weekend, she shared many memories of trips she and dad took; how they delivered quilts to Rushford after the town was flooded; and experiences they shared all the way back to the 1960s. It was an emotionally-healing and comforting time for her. For all of us, it was a memorable and enjoyable trip.


  1. What a beautiful stitch! I haven't embroidered in years, but a picture like that makes me want to start again.

    I love the colors too.

    But my problem is that I have no idea where to use something I've stitched. What do you use your embroidery for? Wall hangings?

  2. Ce challenge permet de découvrir des blogs sympathique... lovely

  3. Annie Kate - Thank you for your kind comment about my embroidery.

    You asked how I use my embroidery. For the Take a Stitch Tuesday challenge, the embroidery samples I do are all in a journal.

    Normally, I use embroidery on quilts and to create toys.

  4. lovely stitching. I really like your reflections photo, too. What a lovely idea.


  5. very pretty and your pages are lovely as well :) love and hugs to you and your family and precious mom


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!