Saturday, August 11, 2012

P52 Photo Challenge - Summer Favorites - Week 32

This week the theme is for P52 is "Summer Favorites." One of the favorite memories from the past week was going to a Japanese restaurant and enjoying a variety of food that was prepared in front of us.

The amount of food served was more than ample. In fact, I ended up taking the entire main course home and using it to make soup. That, in turn, was enough for several meals.

Both girls enjoyed the meal, and Olivia even tried things that normally she wouldn't try at home - like grilled zucchini and shrimp. Sophia already has asked to go back to the restaurant for her 12th birthday...the last one before she is officially a teenager.

From a homeschooling perspective, the evening out also was a great introduction to studying the Eastern Hemisphere which we will be starting next month. Already we are looking through cookbooks and thinking of places to go for field trips. It should be a fascinating and educational year.

Project 52 - p52 weekly photo challenge with Kent Weakley

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Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!