Saturday, August 4, 2012

P52 Photo Challenge - Dog Days of Summer - Week 31

This week's theme for the P52 Photo Challenge is Dog Days of Summer.

According to Wikipedia, "Dog Days are the hottest, most sultry days of summer. In the Northern Hemisphere, the dog days of summer are most commonly experienced in the months of July and August, which typically observe the warmest summer temperatures .... The name comes from the ancient belief that Sirius, also called the Dog Star, in close proximity to the sun was responsible for the hot weather."

In the greater Twin Cities area, there have been 26 days so far this year with temperatures in the 90s. Combined with high humidity, this has been one of the most difficult summers for people and animals alike - especially those animals who live outside, both livestock and wildlife.

This week marked the opening of the county fair. On Tuesday, Sophia, Olivia, and I dropped off projects for competing in the Open Class division.

On Wednesday, Sophia played the harp along with another harpist as part of the preteen talent show. It was one that they auditioned for, and won a spot to participate in the show.

On Friday, we spent half the day enjoying the fair...despite the heat. We wanted to check on the projects we entered to see how we did.  The girls compete in the 8-16 year old category, so there is a wide range of ages and skill levels within that category; and I enter in the general adult category.

The girls and I were very happy with the ribbons we earned. Each project we entered placed which is great! (There are only six projects that receive ribbons per category, so if ten projects are entered in a category by various people, only six will receive awards).

The girls each received reserve grand champion ribbons: Sophia received three - for a hand-embroidered dish towel, dried apples, and a collection of haikus she wrote; and Olivia received hers on a snow leopard stamp collection.

The favorite part of the fair for the girls was seeing the animals. Both enjoy seeing the variety of rabbits. The ones I liked the best were a doe and her babies. The doe was playing with cat toys that were in her cage, and the little ones were resting along the sides of the cage.

Project 52 - p52 weekly photo challenge with Kent Weakley

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to you and the girls! How exciting. The bunnies are adorable and look like they are riding out the dog days of summer.

    Thank you for sharing the idea about putting picture information in the frame with the picture. Such a great idea, but I'd never thought of it. My grandma always wrote information right on the front of the picture. We never liked it becuase it "ruined" the picture, but now that she's gone we're grateful because otherwise, we wouldn't know anything about the picture.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!