Sunday, July 15, 2012

Take a Stitch Tuesday - Bonnet Stitch - Week 27

This week for Take a Stitch Tuesday, the featured stitch is the bonnet stitch.

According to an article on, "The Bonnet stitch is one of the many interesting variations of the buttonhole stitch. The Bonnet stitch is best done in a row because it forms an eye-catching line of twisted prongs. A row of Bonnet stitches looks great when forming a border or curve and can be used as a couching stitch." It is stitched right to left.

This is the 27th week of TAST, and it also marks the second half of the year. For the first half of the year, I used a composition book that I had on hand. By week 26, it was to a point where it was so full that the pages no longer were sitting flat. It was a logical time to begin a new book.

Since I'm using a new book, I thought I'd do my initials as the focal point in the embroidery samplers this week. The "A" is in the middle of a circular band of bonnet stitches.

The "R" is above a swirled line of varying widths of the stitch. 

This week I used cotton perle thread instead of embroidery floss, and liked the result. Up to this point I had been using the cotton embroidery floss I had on hand as a way to use up supplies. Having recently organized part of my office where craft supplies are kept, I came across a variety of perle thread. It's a nice change from the embroidery floss and gives a very different effect to the stitching.

As usual, I incorporated the stitching into my journal which includes a reflection about what has happening recently, a gratitude list, and images of things that remind me of what happened during the time period when I was learning the bonnet stitch.

1 comment:

  1. It looks wonderful and I look forward to seeing your new book expand. Can't believe we're halfway through the year already!


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