Saturday, July 28, 2012

P52 - Photo Challenge - Sunshine - Week 30

This week's photo challenge for P52 is "Sunshine." This is the second day in a row that the humidity has been low and the temperatures nice and cool in the morning (in the 60s).

Although the sunrise wasn't as colorful as it was earlier this week, I still enjoyed seeing the sun without the accompanying heat and humidity.

The corn, soybeans, and oats that grow in the fields around here all seem to be doing well. The photograph above shows the view across the street from the house. This field and additional land was donated by a neighbor to the Department of Natural Resources so it could be preserved forever.

The long-term plan is to change it into a park with trails. It's nice knowing that this open space will be protected and continue to provide shelter and food for wildlife. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sunshine, so nice to know that space will stay!


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