Monday, June 18, 2012

Take a Stitch Tuesday - Buttonhole Wheel Stitch - Week 24

This week for Take a Stitch Tuesday, the featured stitch is the buttonhole wheel stitch.

TAST - Week 24 - Buttonhole Wheel Stitch

For some reason I had a lot of difficulty with the buttonhole wheel stitch. Whereas everyone else's wheels look round, mine look clunky and caveman-like. Kind of like the first wheel.

The buttons cover up the majority of the edges of the first sampler (the one on the right side of the picture). Tried to do the flowers for the second sampler.

At that point, I realized I just needed to stop and move on. No point dragging on the misery.

Hopefully I'll have better luck next week.

As usual, I wrote a personal reflection (a rather long one this time) and a gratitude list.


  1. Think the issue was the thread was quite thick so it was going to look clunky however many spokes you created. If you try a thinner thread and more spokes. You will see that the rims will become smoother, just because the thread will not have the chance of popping upwards.

  2. tried leaving comment and then it disappeared!

    I think the issue is the thread you used. It is quite thick and chunky. I think you will find if you use a thinner thread and more spokes, the issues will disappear as the thread will not have a chance to pop up and will lie flatter.

  3. Not all stitches become favourites! Just accept the fact or struggle to perfect it. The new stitch is Palestrina stitch; hope you find that one more to your liking. Best of luck!


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!