Friday, May 18, 2012

P52 Photo Challenge - Mothers - Week 20

For this week's P52 challenge, the theme is "mothers." With Mother's Day on this past Sunday (May 13th), I was able to take a picture of my mom while she was listening to a card being read to her. Since she doesn't like her picture being taken, this was one way to get a picture of her - while she was distracted.

One of the gifts that my mom (and dad) gave to me was involving me a wide variety of activities when I was a child and teenager. I think of all the after-school activities, lessons, and groups that I was a part of, and that introduced me to subjects enriched my mind, body, and spirit.

The art of mothering is to teach the art of living to children.
~ Elaine Heffner ~

Some of the activities I have pursued as an adult (e.g., sewing, quilting, gardening), while others enriched my life and gave me interesting memories but no longer are a part of it (e.g., Medical Explorer Post, Girl Scouts, ballet).

Some of the activities I've chosen to continue with my daughters (e.g., baking/cooking, 4-H, biking, playing the piano, photography, volunteering/service), so the best parts of my childhood - the legacy of my mom (and dad) - is reflected in Sophia and Olivia.

I cannot forget my mother. She is my bridge.
When I needed to get across,
she steadied herself long enough for me to run across safely.
~ Renita Weems ~

On Mother's Day this year, I wanted to have a picture taken of three generations of females: my mom; my sister and me; and five granddaughters.

As I looked through past pictures taken on Mother's Day, there was never one taken of the three generations of women/girls together. I'm so happy that there finally is one.

What children take from us, they give.
We become people who feel more deeply,
question more deeply, and
 love more deeply.
~ Sonia Taitz ~

I like the quote from Ms. Taitz. Without a question, being a mother creates a depth of feeling that one never thought possible. How rich my life has become because of Sophia and Olivia.

Even though the theme this week is about mothers, there was a underlying feeling of loss and sadness this year as my dad was not with us. It's hard to believe that it has been four months since he died.

The picture below was taken last Mother's Day. I wanted to have a picture of mom, dad, my sister, brother, and me together because I didn't know what 2012 would hold. I am so grateful this picture was taken.

Family Picture - 1

Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while,
but their hearts forever.
~ Unknown ~

I think the same can be said with regards to parents, but in a slightly different way: Children hold their parents' hands for a short while, but their hearts forever. Truly, the memories and love for my mom and dad will always be in my heart.


  1. Sneaky, but a great picture. I don't like having my picture taken, either, so I don't blame her--LOL!

    You are lucky to have had such great parents. Your girls have a great mom, too! :)

  2. Great picture. I love it in black and white. I don't like being in pictures either. I realized after my cancer diagnosis (3 year survivor) that the pictures of me are for my family. They are not about me and wether I am chubby or have my make up on. They are for them.

  3. Awesome story and great reflections. You are very fortunate to have had the opportunity to try many different activities. I truly believe those experiences shape who we are .

  4. Beautiful pictures! How wonderful that you were all able to come together for a celebration! :)


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!