Thursday, April 5, 2012

Take a Stitch Tuesday - Satin Stitch - Week 14

This week for Take a Stitch Tuesday (TAST), the featured stitch is the satin stitch. There are so many beautiful examples of this stitch on the internet. What should be a rather basic stitch - just sewing the stitches next to one another - for some reason I find difficult.

From left to right, I used yarn, six strands of embroidery floss, and
twelve strands of embroidery floss.

Next to the fly stitch (which I learned during the first week of TAST), the satin stitch has to be another one of my stitches that I am rather embarrased to show. In all honesty, I probably will never use this stitch again given the rather dismal look of the small samples I did.

Despite how small they were, they took a rather long time for me to do. Perhaps that's the other reason why I'll choose not to do this stitch again. I'm much happier with other stitches that either take a shorter time to do and/or may take longer but the result (based on my limited skills) is more pleasing to the eye.

As with past weeks, I've included the samples in my TAST embroidery journal along with a personal reflection, gratitude list, name of the stitch, and some images that reflect what I've seen this week. (Tulips are in the stores for Easter and the butterfly is similar to one that's on a pillow I purchased with a gift card my mom gave me this past fall. I finally made it to this store...after about six months.)


  1. Great spread for the book. I just love the multi-colored, multi-lengthed section you did! :)

  2. Beautiful journal page. I agree with you about the satin stitch.

  3. Always love looking at your journal pages!

  4. Great. I like the multi-colored version very much.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!