Monday, April 2, 2012

3 in 30 Goals for April

Each month this year I have done the 3 in 30 challenge by setting three goals to accomplish in a one-month timeframe. For April, I have the following goals:

1 – Prepare and host an Easter gathering. This year is a bit more complicated in that we’re all dealing with grief issues after my Dad died on January 5th of this year. So, it will only be 3 months since his death on Easter.

Generally, the three-month mark with grieving is a difficult turning point because the shock has worn off and the raw emotions of grief and loss are very present on an almost-daily (if not daily) basis. People who were there to support you right after the death have moved on and resumed their daily life. Yet, life for those grieving is ever-present and missing the person who they loved is a constant feeling.

Coupled with that issue is that my Mom is in a transitional care unit (at the same nursing home where my father died) as a result of a fall in her home on February 28th. After a brief stay in the collaborative acute elderly unit at a hospital, she was transferred to the T.C.U. on March 1st.

Her cast is being removed today, and physical and occupational therapy sessions will resume to five days per week (they were at three times a week during the past two weeks).

Easter will be her first visit home since February 28th. So, it will be an emotional day for her on many levels.
She will have to return to the T.C.U. after Easter dinner to complete the rest of her rehabilitation at St. Therese.

Given that background, I am hosting Easter at my Mom’s home for 16 people. It’s a little challenging in that Sophia and Olivia sing with the children’s choir at the 11:00 service at church. So, I have to prepare as much of the Easter dinner ahead of time at home, transport it to my Mom’s home, and then finish preparing and serving it there.

2 – Clean half my office. I debated about whether I wanted to set my goal as cleaning my entire office, but that seemed rather overwhelming given preparing for Easter the first week, and attending the multi-day homeschool conference during the second week.

So, my goal is to work on the half that has the closet with craft/homeschooling supplies and canned goods (peaches, pears, applesauce, and tomatoes that I can over the summer); and my desk.

3 – Clean the blue room. This is a room upstairs that has the girls’ costumes/dress-up outfits, toys, dolls, dollhouse, some books, and a bed.

I would like to donate what is no longer needed and that the girls don’t play with any longer; and toss/recycle things that are broken or can be reused respectively. After I’m done, then I would like to dust; wash the walls, fan, and windows; and vacuum.

1 comment:

  1. I hope it is a good Easter for you all. I'm so glad your mom can be there!!
    Taking it a little easy on goals is probably a good idea. Don't forget to smell the roses this month!


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