Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook on 2/1/12


Outside my's completely black. It's too early in the morning to see anything.

I am thinking...that January seemed like one of the longest months of my entire life. I'm remembering that one month ago today began a very difficult and life-changing week. It was not how imagined starting the year.

I am thankful...that I have been able to travel and see 43 states of the United States. Of those 43, I was able to see six of them (the New England states) with my daughters - a first for us all which was a memorable and fun experience.

In the kitchen...I'm using up what I have on hand. During the past seven days, I did a Fiscal Fast in which I did not spend any money (with the exception of having to get $10 in gas to make sure I didn't run out of gasoline on the way home yesterday). In doing this, we have used up boxes, bags, and cans of food that otherwise would have sat in the back of the cupboards while I purchased new food.

During February, I'm going to continue using what is on hand and only buy the essential items we need. The goal will be to use almost everything on hand.

I am wearing...a t-shirt, sweater, pajama pants, and socks. It's still early morning before anyone else is awake.

I am creating...a weekly journal that incorporates a written entry about what's happening in my life, a list of five things I'm grateful for, and examples of an embroidery stitch I learned that week. (This is part of Take a Stitch Tuesday.)

I'm also in the process of making an Embroidered Journal Quilt. Each month I'm going to embroider a 12" x 12" square. By the end of the year, I'll have 12 squares which I'll combine with fabric that I have on hand to create a quilt.

I am take the girls to choir tonight, otherwise I don't have to go anywhere which is nice. We've been able to get a lot done with homeschooling over the past few days because we've been at home more than we've been away.

I am wondering...when I'll feel like I'm totally caught up with everything that needs to get done.

I am excellent book called Homer's Odyssey - A Fearless Feline Tale, or How I Learned about Love and Life with a Blind Wonder Cat by Gwen Cooper. It's the second one that I'm reading as part of the Heartwarming Animal Stories Reading Challenge.

I read "Saving Gracie" during January about one dog's rescue and rehabilitation from a puppy mill; and the United States' problem with puppy mills and what can be done to close them so more dogs don't have to suffer.

I am hoping...that this month is less stressful than last month.

I am looking forward to...getting outside today and trying to take some pictures of shadows. It's for a weekly photography challenge that I'm doing called P52. The sun should be out today which should give me plenty of options.

I am to let go (of things and people). This is not an easy process by any stretch of the imagination, but one that is necessary. Especially as I'm simplifying and cleaning the house, letting go of things that no longer are needed or wanted has been liberating - to say the least. Having more space as well as enjoying only the things that bring the most enjoyment and are tied to positive memories is a good "reward" for the work involved.

Around the's very quiet..almost the girls and pets are sleeping.

I am pondering...about ways that we'll be volunteering and donating this month. Am looking forward to picking some new organizations and continuing with ones that Sophia, Olivia, and I believe in this month as part of the 12 in 12 project that we're doing.

A favorite quote for from Raymond Lindquist: "Courage is the power to let go of the familiar."

One of my favorite camera - so I can capture every-day moments and remember them in the future.

A few plans for the rest of the week...homeschooling, go to the library, do some errands, and work on my 3 in 30 goals for February.

A peek into my day...I'll be making window stars in a variety of patterns and colors.

Four Window Stars

To see more daybooks that other women keep, please visit Simple Woman's Daybook.


  1. This is a cool group, too. I don't know how you keep up with all the various groups and do all you guys do. ;)

    Getting rid of things you don't need is a good thing. I am about due to do that again this summer. Feels good, too. :)

    Have a great day. Hope you get your shadow pictures. :)

  2. Your stars look so very beautiful grouped together like that.
    It sounds like you're keeping very busy and being productive, joining groups is a great motivator (and something I should try to commit to!)

  3. Visiting from daybook. Nice post. :)

  4. I really enjoyed your journal entry today. I too had a really rough January. Since we can't have do-overs, I'm just going to have to pray it all gets better. =) I like your idea of the fiscal fast.'ve got me thinking! lol

  5. love the idea of a "fiscal fast". I enjoyed my visit :)


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!