Thursday, February 2, 2012

P52 Photo Challenge - Shadows - Week 5

This week for P52, the theme is "Shadows." I had hoped to photograph some shadows outdoors. However, on the days when I had some extended time to spend outdoors - the days were overcast and/or foggy.

So, I ended up waiting to take photographs until evening when everything is very dark outside (one of the benefits of living in a rural area that is void of street lights), and the inside lights were on. 

I didn't realize how many shadows are cast within a home. I was expecting the outdoors to yield more opportunities to capture the theme. So, I was pleasantly surprised when I started noticing all the shadows indoors.

My subject is a doll from Japan. Her robe is cream-color with red and gold accents. Although I like the color of her dress, sash, obi, and hat, I chose to change the photograph to a sepia-tone instead so the focus is more on the doll and her shadow than on what she is wearing.

In the room, this was the only item that was giving a double shadow - the stronger shadow in the front/left side with a lighter shadow in the back/right side.  My favorite part of the shadow is the tassel. 

I'm looking forward to the next theme, and challenging myself to take photographs I normally would not take.

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge


  1. Nice! Yes, there are lots of shadows inside, too--on sunny days or from lights at night.
    She's very pretty!

  2. Very nice! It was a had week for shadows here too! Your shot of the doll is gorgeous! Great job!

  3. I too had a difficult time with this. I love how you made the situation work for you and found something beautiful to capture. The double shadow is very cool!

  4. What a beautiful doll. I had one like that as a child.

    My Uncle was stationed in Japan!

  5. Beautiful doll. I love the tassel, too.

  6. Lovely photo. I like the double shadow. Thanks also for your sweet comment.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!