Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Handmade Quilt for Winter (Creative Every Day Check-In)

During November and today (December 1st), I worked on a handmade quilt that features 12 Minnesota symbols (e.g., state bird, flower, grain, fish). Each of the squares was appliqued and/or embroidered.

The balance of the squares (23) were fabric from what I had on hand. Many of the pieces of fabric were from items that held another purpose at a different time (e.g., bed sheet, pillowcase, clothing).

My goal with the quilt was to create something functional from only items that I had on hand. I wasn't trying for that "perfect" quilt...I was looking for something useful and that would provide warmth on cold, winter days and nights.

Today I worked on the final steps of the quilt. First, I ironed all the pieces that were for the backing.  I sewed the pieces together to create a backing and ironed it again.

Three layers: top of quilt with right side facing down;
back of quilt with right side facing up; and
batting under it all.

Next, I placed the batting on the floor. On top of that, I placed the backing with the right side facing up. Then, I placed the top of the quilt with the right side facing down.  Once these three layers were smoothed out, I pinned them in place.

Three layers pinned and ready to be trimmed.

There was surplus fabric and batting on all sides once the quilt was pinned, so I trimmed the edges so all matched.

The trimmed quilt ready to be sewn.

One I was done sewing, I put my hand into the quilt and pulled it out through the opening. In this way, the quilt's right sides were now on the outside and the batting was in the center.

I hand-sewed the opening closed; and then ironed around all the edges of the quilt so they would lay flat.

Finished quilt!

Then, I used a tapestry needle and yarn to make yarn ties where each of the squares met one another.

The girls couldn't wait to see
what the quilt felt like once it was done.

Although I didn't finish the quilt during Art Every Day Month last month, I am happy that it is done by the first check-in of Creative Every Day.


  1. I loved seeing the steps. This turned out just beautifully! I can see why the girls wanted to crawl right over and enjoy! :)
    Great job!!

  2. I think it is just fabulous. The last picture shows the true size, it is difficult to tell sometimes on a blog as to the scale of things.

  3. this look beautiful... so much work!! i wouldn't even know where to begin, although your step by step instructions would surely help. :-) Bravo to you!
    Love the pic of the girls on the quilt... precious...

  4. Your quilt looks great and it seems it will get a lot of use! I love to make something from what I have on hand, in fact I'm working on an apron from leftover bits of fabric right now :)

  5. oh, how wonderful. such joy laying on a hand-made quilt. congrats for completing it. looks lovely!

  6. The squares look wonderful together. That is an amazing quilt - thanks for sharing!


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