Saturday, November 19, 2011

Visit Seniors Who Have Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia - 52 Weeks of Giving - Week 47

Sophia and Olivia visited the care center where their grandfather (who they call "Papa") lives now due to his increased needs because of Alzheimer's Disease.  On the day that we visited, Papa was resting. We moved his wheelchair near the couch so we could sit down and be near him.

We placed a blanket on his lap, and then Sophia took out Eenie (the cat) who Papa wanted to see again.

Papa petting Eenie.
Even though he didn't open his eyes,
he did know that Eenie was there.

Sophia put Papa's hand on Eenie's back and Papa began petting Eenie, "Nice kitty," he said. A short time later he said, "Soft." Then he fell back asleep.

While we were waiting for Papa to wake up again, Sophia and Olivia visited some of the other residents.

Sophia remembered that this resident
enjoyed cats and visited her for a bit.
(This resident is in the palliative care/hospice unit
where Papa is living.)

We walked over the unit where residents who have Alzheimer's Disease and dementia live, and were encouraged by several of the nurses to walk around the circle where the residents were sitting and see if anyone wanted to pet the cat and talk with the girls.

Sophia and Olivia visiting with some of the residents
and showing them Eenie.

Sure enough, there were quite a few ladies who wanted to visit with Sophia and Olivia, and who wanted to touch Eenie.

We went back to check on Papa. He was awake, so - with the help of two nurses - transferred him to another wheelchair, got his coat on, and put two blankets on his lap. We headed outside where Maureen (a family friend) and Olivia filled Papa's birdfeeder.

Olivia and Maureen filling Papa's birdfeeder.

We took some time to swing on the modified swingset the care center has in its healing garden. Papa enjoyed the swing, and even grabbed the bar on his side to swing along with Olivia who sat directly across from him.

Papa, Olivia, and Maureen on the swing
in the healing garden.

When Papa was asked if he wanted to see Eenie again he said, "That would be nice." It was a good visit, and one that benefited not only Papa, but some of the other residents at the care center.


  1. I think a visiting pet is the best thing in the world. I know that's something I would really enjoy. Well done, Eeenie, for being such a good traveler.

  2. What a wonderful day for everyone. Knowing how lonely it can be for these residents - I wish I could give your girls and you a hug. We lost my father-in-law two years ago to Alzheimer's and know what a difficult time it can be. Thank you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you for these photos. That is holy work, indeed.


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