Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sunburst Stars - Art Every Day Month - Day 9

I'm getting closer to finishing the orders that came in over the past few days. Today I focused on a trio of sunburst designs that a customer puchased. One star is all orange, another blue, and the third a combination of two colors (light yellow and pastel green).

Orange Sunburst Star with 16 Points
One of the sunburst stars that I worked on today.

The sunburst star is folded 24 times per point (with 16 points that's 384 times to make this star); and measures approximately 10 inches in diameter.


On October 25th, Ulla from German Dolls wrote an article on the Naturalkids blog. It's part of series she's doing that focuses on the hands of the craftsperson or artist as well as the type of work they do.

My Hands
My hands folding a window star.

My daughter, Sophia, took some pictures of me folding some window stars for the article.


On Thursday, I have nine more stars to make and then I'm caught up. Then I want to continue working on the hand-embroidered state quilt that I started last week.  I'm already done with three quilt squares. The next one is going to be a loon (Minnesota's state bird) with some cattails.

But the personal project - the quilt - will have to wait until the window stars are done. I'm getting a bit restless with wanting to get back to the quilt and doing some embroidery.

One thing Art Every Day Month confirms for me is that I need variation in creative activities...doing the same project is fine for a while, but I have to take a break and do something completely different otherwise my enthusiasm starts to wane a bit, and that's not good.

Tomorrow, hopefully, I'll have a chance to start working on the quilt. In the meantime, I'm busy folding lots of small pieces of colorful, translucent papers that are resulting in a wide variety of window stars that I enjoy creating.


  1. I love your stars. They are beautiful. However the little bears in your header is the best.

  2. You must go slightly mad doing all those folds even when the results are so amazing... love checking in and seeing what you have been up to xx


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!