Saturday, November 12, 2011

Capturing 11-11-11 in Photos - Art Every Day Month - Day 12

On November 11, 2011...or 11-11-11....the girls and I decided to go outside a bit before 11:11 a.m. and start taking some pictures.

At 11:11 a.m. they were ready to go to their favorite spot on the farm: the apple tree in the backyard.  So, here's where they were at 11:11:11 a.m. on 11-11-11:

Sophia and Olivia in their favorite apple tree.

I managed to get a quick photo of Olivia before she ran off to swing on the swingset:

Olivia, 8 years old.

We went for a walk on the nature trail, and stopped at the bench at the end of the trail. It was one of those days where the weather was beautiful, the dogs were having fun exploring the scents on the pathways through the goldenrod, and the girls had a lot of energy and were having fun.

Sophia jumping (above) and
Olivia jumping (below).

As we turned around and faced south, the sun was brilliant and its rays seemed to extend endlessly. 

We each took a lot more pictures on our own cameras to document this day, but these are a few of my favorites.


  1. What a perfect way to greet 11-11-11! :):):)

  2. Came over from AEDM to visit. What a fun post! It was 11:15 before I even thought about all those elevens so my 11:11 time passed unnoticed. The sky in your banner looks like a photo I took of sky in the Outer Banks of North Carolina - where did you take yours?

  3. A happy and fun post and a great way to acknowledge 11:00 11/11/11.

  4. Thank you for the nice comments! It was a fun and happy way for my daughters and I to remember 11-11-11.

    Tammy, you asked where the photo of the sky was taken (the photo on my banner). It was taken right in front of my home in Minnesota. I walked across the street, was overlooking the cornfield, and started taking pictures. It was an amazing sunrise.

    Lots of interesting shots of clouds as they moved and the light/colors changed.

  5. Wonderful photos..I ama big fan of black and white.
    Gwen xx


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!