Monday, November 7, 2011

30 Days of Giving Thanks - Day 7 - My Brother

Today I thanked my brother, Jim, as part of the 30 Days of Giving Thanks challenge by sending him a thank you note and some pictures in the mail. I've been meaning to thank him and Melissa for a birthday gift they gave me some time ago. (A thank you note should have been sent much more promptly.)

The other reason I wanted to send a note was to thank my brother again for the chicken coop and indoor fencing in the barn he built many years ago (around 1996).

Originally, the fencing was used to keep the sheep away from the lawn tractor, rakes, and other other tools. Now, it keeps the horses away from the rakes, pitch forks, shovels, and other tools I have hanging on the barn wall.
Some of the sheep I use to raise.

The chicken coop was home to over 40 endangered and rare breed chickens at one time. In 2003, with the adoption of Montague, I had to sell the chickens because his goal was to chase and try to capture the chickens (he's a golden retriever). It was not a good situation for the chickens.

Mother hen with her flock of chicks.

Now, the chicken coop has been changed to a place where I store grain and a few bales of hay for the horses. (The rest of the hay is in hayloft on the second floor of the barn.)

Having a separate room for these items helps keep the horses safe. They can't get into the feed or hay and overeat - a potentially dangerous situation, especially for a miniature horse.

Bailey and Hoss Resting in Pasture
Bailey and Hoss resting in the pasture.

My brother's help is reflected in other ways at the farm as well. He and my dad planted the Austrian pine tree that is in the front yard right by the driveway.

Olivia By Big Pine Tree
Olivia standing by the pine tree that
Jim and my dad planted over a decade ago.

They both dug up the small tree from another part of the farm, brought it up to the front yard in a wheelbarrow, and transplanted it so it could be seen and enjoyed each day. I think about my brother and dad each time I walk or drive by the tree.

My brother, dad, and nephew.
(Photo taken on October 9th.)

(This was also linked to Homestead Revival's Barn Hop.)


  1. I LOVE reading your "30 Days of Giving Thanks" posts. A person's sense of gratitude really lets you know a lot about them, and I'm really enjoying getting to know your family and you.

  2. I'm loving your posts, too. Your brother will surely appreciate this more than any card. : ) The love in your family shows through that post with all the lasting things they do for each other.

    When I started documenting through my gratitude posts I found myself much more aware of my blessings each day.

  3. I have SO enjoyed reading your "giving thanks" posts. You are so inspiring, Ann. Also, did you see who the winner of the Hip Mountain Mama gift card was?

  4. I just found your blog on the Homeschool Blog Awards so I popped over to check it out! I love the 30 days of giving thanks - I am really enjoying reading your blog.

    I am a new follower. I would love for you to follow me back, if you want to =-)

  5. Hey Ann,
    I wanted to comment in regards to your comment today about thanking me for this challenge. I thought about doing this pretty much a few days before I introduced it. I was planning to just "keep it to myself." But for whatever reason I felt guided to share it and I stopped myself from thinking twice. I didn't hesitate. I thought of it, then shared it and that was that. I, too, have already had some blessings come from being so intentional about thankfulness each day. Normally I would put things off and get to it later...but when it's on the forefront of my mind it's the first thing I want to do each day. And to see my 3 year old involved in it is way cool. When I ask him in the morning "Who do you want to thank today" it is as much part of his routine as "What do you want for breakfast." WAY cool. Happy we've connected in such a way. Blessings...

  6. Hey Ann,
    I can't seem to find your email address. Maybe my eyes are just getting tired. Anyway, can you email me so I can give you details about HMM giveaway? Thanks!


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!