Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30 Days of Giving Thanks - Day 1 - My Daughters

There's an interesting challenge on Free Spirit Knits that encourages "...you to take a moment each day in November and thank someone in your life. Send a text, make a call, leave a post-it, write an old fashioned letter. Make eye contact. Smile. And say, 'thanks.'"

The challenge doesn't specify how you thank them. Rather, the goal is to "simply think of someone in your life - each day - and tell them why you are thankful for them. Give them your thanks. Thank thirty people in thirty days."

Sounds like a very worthwhile goal and time well-spent.

So, today I focused on my daughters who have brought me so much joy and laughter. Yesterday, as we spent the night trick-or-treating, their happiness and thankfulness radiated from them as they greeted each person they met.

Olivia with her stuffed penguin (Spotty)
on Halloween.

Almost every year for the past nine years we have spent Halloween having dinner with my parents; sister and her family; and brother and his family. Afterwards my sister, brother, and/or I would take the children/cousins out so they could spend time together.

Since my father is still in the hospital and mother just was released from the hospital on Sunday afternoon (on two different health-related issues), we spent Halloween night visiting neighbors and local businesses that were making the evening a safe and fun one for children.

This year, we decided to visit the seniors who live in the "senior cottages" in town. Seeing the seniors' happiness at having young visitors; and hearing the girls greet, thank, and wish each senior a nice evening was such an uplifting way to spend the holiday.

Sophia on Halloween.

So, today I thanked Sophia and Olivia for the happiness they've brought to my life and to others; and for such a fun evening last night. I told them how happy the seniors looked when the girls greeted, thanked, and wished them a nice evening or Happy Halloween.

I'm hoping that if they had any doubt about how they've positively impacted others, that after today they had no doubt about how much they are appreciated and loved. Truly, they have added so much joy, fun, and laughter to many other people's lives...way beyond what they will ever know. 

1 comment:

  1. Your daughters are beautiful and what a lovely idea it was for them to meet and greet the seniors.

    Well wishes for both your Father and Mother,



Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!