Monday, October 24, 2011

Carve Pumpkins & Donate to a Nursing Home - 52 Weeks of Giving - Week 41

For the 41st week in the 52 Weeks of Giving challenge, the girls carved pumpkins at their monthly 4-H meeting on Monday, and then helped decorate the outdoor courtyards of a local nursing home with the pumpkins on Wednesday.

This is the second year that the girls have had the opportunity to carve pumpkins at their 4-H club meeting. The club has a strong commitment to community service and aims to do one service project each month.

Sophia carving a pumpkin.

During October, all the children and teens carve pumpkins. A few of the club members visit a local nursing home and place the pumpkins in the various courtyards so the residents can enjoy seeing the color of fall, and perhaps sparking some memories of carving pumpkins when they were younger.

Olivia punching out the mouth of her pumpkin
after Kelly cut out the shape.

The girls and Megan (another 4-H member) volunteered to bring and distribute the pumpkins. All the courtyards had pumpkins in them by the time the girls were done.

Sophia, Olivia, and Megan
by a couple of carved pumpkins
they placed in one of the nursing home courtyards.

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