Saturday, October 1, 2011

52 Weeks of Giving - Color Pictures for a Grandparent - Week 39

For the 39th week in the 52 Weeks of Giving challenge that Sophia and Olivia are doing, they each colored two pictures for their grandfather who is transitioning from living at home to a nursing home (a.k.a. a care center). He has Alzheimer's Disease, and (unfortunately) his needs have far exceeded what can be provided at home.

So, this week Olivia colored a picture of a blue jay and another of St. Francis (a saint who my father/her grandfather enjoyed learning about). Sophia colored a picture of a bouquet of flowers and a nature scene.

They glued the pictures onto colorful paper which gave each picture a frame.

Three of the pictures that the girls colored
are shown here in their grandfather's new room.
One picture is on the bulletin board and
the other two are over the head of the bed.

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