Tuesday, September 13, 2011

W is for Writing - ABCs of Homeschooling

On 5 Kids and a Dog, there's a series called the ABCs of Homeschooling.  This week's letter is "W."

Alphabet ATC or ACEO Available - Needlefelted Letter W  ...is for Writing.

There are three types of writing that the girls do or will be doing this year as part of homeschooling: penmanship (printing and handwriting); fancy/decorative lettering; and creative writing.


Each year, the girls work on their penmanship. Olivia focuses primarily on printing while Sophia concentrates on cursive or handwriting. Each one has their own series of textbooks that they prefer using. 

Olivia enjoys drawing and coloring, so the Draw Right Now series has been a great choice for her interests and skill level.

Some of the books Olivia will be using this year.

Each lesson includes several short sentences about a topic.

Lesson about penguins.

The lesson also includes a picture that she draws that ties into the sentences she printed.

Lesson about migrating birds.

Sophia prefers a series in which she practices letters and words in cursive.

A page of handwriting that Sophia did for one lesson.

On the last day of the five-day lesson she then writes a Biblical passage onto a page in her workbook that she can color.

Sophia writing the passage on the coloring sheet.
Yes, there's a cat in her lap. It's Eenie.


This year, Sophia will be learning Spencerian handwriting. It's "old-fashioned" handwriting that was typically used in the 1800s to early 1900s. My grandparents learned how to writing in this way, and it's a lovely, decorative way of writing.

One of the practice books for Spencerian Penmanship.

The practice books begin with learning the lower-case and upper-case letters; move onto connecting letters; and then end with practice sentences. In Book 5, there are sayings that are arranged in alphabetical order.

Two sentences to practice: "Better to live well than long" and
"Criticize your own writing."


The third area of writing is creative writing - whether it be poetry, journaling, or short stories. During previous years, Sophia has used a writing book that has a variety of prompts and topics to help her begin writing.

This year, she is using another book that introduces a variety of different types of writing including research projects and reports. 

Two writing books that Sophia uses.

Writing is an important part of homeschooling. Equally important is trying to provide the most appropriate books from which to learn for each of the girls' interests and learning styles; and keeping them engaged and excited about writing.

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