Friday, July 22, 2011

Summer Fun - UWIB Blog Hop

This month the Unique Women in Business team is doing a Blog Hop focused on Summer Fun.  With temperatures in the 90s (some close to 100 degrees) and dew points in the 70s it feels like it's quite tropical here in Minnesota.

For me, having fun during the summer means having some flexibility to do things I enjoy doing since the homeschooling schedule is a bit more relaxed compared to the September-May time period. 

During June and July, I've been able to make new window star patterns. Here's a design that I created recently:

Window star in summer colors.
Window stars are available in my shop, Harvest Moon by Hand.

The window star that is pictured above reminds me of sunsets and sunrises in colors I typically see in the summer. There have been some spectacular ones that have colored the entire sky in shades of these colors.  I am always in awe of the incredible natural beauty that surrounds me.


Today, I was teaching a friend of my daughters how to sew since she wants to learn how to make her own clothes. The first project I had her do was a little bag with an attached tie.

There were no measurements for this pattern - it was simply an idea presented in a book.  So I showed her how to estimate and create the dimensions for each of the pieces.  By the time she was done sewing her first bag, she had learned some fundamental sewing skills...and felt very happy with what she made.

After seeing the bag (and trying out the pattern I've wanted to do for some time now), I made a couple of bags after she left and changed the proportions slightly. 

Two bags that I made.

The bags are a great way to use fabric and ribbon scraps. I've made re-usable gift bags using only one color of fabric for birthdays and Christmas.

As I made these bags, I thought they would be good to use for the girls in their backpacks or when traveling. By making the bags in a variety of different sizes and patterns, one's suitcase, purse, or backpack could be much more organized.


Last, having fun during the summer means being able to enjoy nature up close. Today I enjoyed watching a bird take a bath in the birdbath in the backyard. For several minutes, it cleaned its feathers...tossing the water in the air and under its wings.

That, in itself, would have made me happy today. But...I woke up this morning and found that two of the butterflies we've been raising since they were caterpillars had emerged from their cocoons.

Around 11:25 a.m., the third butterfly was born and we were able to watch its wings unfold, dry, and be strong enough to fly. What an amazing process!

The girls (and Eenie) watching two of the
newly-born butterflies.

After lunch, we released the butterflies in the backyard. The black tiger swallowtails flew off immediately. One flew right to the purple flowers in the butterfly garden in the backyard where it visited lots of flowers while its wings beat quickly.

The butterfly was flapping its top wings so quickly
(thus, the picture is blurry on the top).
It was such a joy to be able to watch them
change from caterpillars to butterflies during July.


  1. Your window stars are so very pretty. And the butterfly - to actually see one emerge from its cocoon - how very awesome. Nature sure is wonderful! Continue to ave a great summer.

  2. Your window stars just bring a bit of joy into every room.

    have you ever released ladybugs, that is fun too.

  3. Oh I would love to see the butterflies! Your window stars are always so wonderful

  4. You certainly know how to enjoy summer!

  5. How lovely spending time with your daughter teaching her bacis sewing. It is so important to keep these skills alive. And how exciting to follow the butterflies! Beautiful photo!


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!