Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pink - The Summer of Color (Week 3)

There's a ten-week challenge called The Summer of Color that's on Twinkle Twinkle Like a Star. The Summer of Color encourages participants to focus on creating an item (or more) in a specific color each week.  This week the color is pink.

I made two different embroidered cards - one is a thank you card and the other is a blank greeting card.

To make the "thank you" card, I used the DJ Candy Heart font from (a place to download free fonts from the internet) to print out the word "thank you."

I placed a piece of watercolor/drawing paper over the paper which was on top of a light board (you could also hold it up to a window to see the lettering) and lightly traced the letters with a pencil.

Using a needle, I put holes in the paper over the letters. (It's important that you don't do it too close or your paper will rip as you sew which mine did in a couple of places. If it does, just punch a new hole in the paper and re-sew when you get to that part.)

After erasing the pencil lines, it's time to begin sewing.  Using 6 strands of embroidery floss, I sewed (using the backstitch) from hole to hole.

After cutting the lettering out, I placed foam stickers on the back and affixed it to the pink decorative paper which I had glued onto a 4"x6" card (it's an 8"x6" piece of watercolor/drawing paper folded in half).

This is the second time that I've embroidered on paper, and it is not a forgiving craft. You don't have much flexibility to change (essentially) once you've punched the holes into the paper (you can't take away what you've already punched).

You also need to be careful not to bend the paper as you embroider because that will show up in your final product.

With that being said, I did enjoy doing hand-embroidered cards, and would like to make more cards with different words on them.


  1. These are really pretty...quite a skill!

  2. Oh, these are so elegant! I love the stitching - and want to thank you for playing along. xo


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