Sunday, July 3, 2011

Blue - The Summer of Color (Week 1)

There's a ten-week challenge called The Summer of Color that's on Twinkle Twinkle Like a Star. The Summer of Color encourages participants to focus on creating an item (or more) in a specific color each week.  Currently the challenge is on Week 3, but I wanted to start from the beginning and do all ten weeks. 

As I looked back on my pictures, I realized that I had already done two projects in the first week's color (blue) during June. 

One was a blue bunting that will be for Olivia's half birthday in July.  I had never made a bunting before, and wanted to see if I could make one.  I made two different versions - a red,white, and blue one for the Fourth of July; and the blue one pictured below.

What I like about making buntings is that it uses up scraps of fabric or reuses fabric that was for something else (e.g., bedsheet, shirt, pajamas).  At nine feet long, the bunting will add a decorative and festive touch to Olivia's upcoming birthday celebration.

The other blue item I made was a tablecloth with puzzle pieces made from blue fabric. I selected about a dozen pieces of different fabric and cut out squares from each piece. Then, I ironed on the iron-on fabric adhesive to the back side of the fabic.

I traced 24 puzzle pieces from one of Olivia's puzzle onto the adhesive backing and then cut out each puzzle piece.
I could have ironed this tablecloth before taking a picture of it.
Why create more work for myself?
It will be folded and then need to be ironed again
before Olivia's 4-H demonstration in about a week.

Olivia placed each piece where she wanted them on the tablecloth (she is using it for a 4-H demonstration about making a jigsaw puzzle sandwich). I pinned and then ironed them in place. I asked her if she wanted me to machine stitch or hand embroider around each piece, but she liked the look of the tablecloth without the stitching.

The white fabric is some that I had on hand.  Again, it was a great way to use up some fabric and put it to good use. 


  1. Love the jigsaw puzzle tablecloth! What a great idea! And I agree - bunting is a great way to use up those pieces of scrap fabric - and provides great reusable decorations!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  2. I've definitely been bit by the bunting bug! Yours is absolutely adorable. I made a wee little bunting this week to make a fourth of July wreath and think i'm hooked.

    I found you through the Round Tuit linky party and I'm your newest follower. It looks like we have a lot in common! I'd love a follow back if you're interested --> Carissa's Creativity Space


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!