Saturday, July 23, 2011

52 Weeks of Giving - Week 25 - Write Thank You Notes

We fell a bit behind with doing a project or activity each week that involved giving of oneself, volunteering, or making a donation.

When we started this challenge at the beginning of the year, we were able to do an activity each week. At the end of June, we fell a bit behind so we are doing some "catch up" with this challenge.

For the 25th week of the 52 Weeks of Giving, the girls each wrote a note to an adult who has positively impacted their lives in some way.

Sophia writing a note to Rosanne.

Sophia wrote a note to Rosanne, a woman who was her Hidden Hero during the past school year. Rosanne was matched with Sophia in November 2010. Rosanne mailed and emailed her letters and gifts each month. This program was through the Youth Service Bureau and targets youth who may be going through a challenging time in their life.

Every time that Rosanne would write, Sophia was so excited to hear from her. The encouragement she received from an adult who was not a family member was so uplifting and made such a positive difference to Sophia. 

Olivia chose to write to Mr. Neil (Neil is is first name). He has given Olivia and Sophia a lot of guidance and encouragement through the children's choir. As the choir director, he has chosen a variety of songs that the children have been performed at church and nursing homes.

He also was the director for the first community play that Olivia did; and Neil gave Olivia an opportunity to memorize 50 lines - plus participate in a number of songs - when she was 6 years old.

She is looking forward to going back to choir in September, and wanted to let him know that.

Olivia writing a letter to Mr. Neil.

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