Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my's still dark.  However, the first hint of morning is showing to the east where the sky is a lighter shade of indigo.

I am thinking...about the male goldfinch who kept trying to get into the house yesterday.  He kept flying to and grabbing onto the ledges by the living room and kitchen, and visited the family room and dining room windows as well.  The cats were fascinated by this bird who seemed equally as interested in them.  Wonder if he'll be back today.

I am thankful...that a respite worker is coming today for three hours. I need to have a few hours to get some things done; and I like knowing that Sophia and Olivia are having fun with Mary.  She's taught them how to play croquet; and they enjoy playing board games and being outside with her.

From the learning rooms...the girls are getting ready for the county fair and showing some projects they've been doing for 4-H.  They're also practicing their demonstrations (this will be the first year for both of them). Went to the zoo the other day and learned a lot about different animals and Japanese gardens/tea ceremonies (the zoo has a conseratory and Japanese garden which are both beautiful).

In the kitchen...we're going to be making fresh strawberry pie on Saturday which we're excited about.  Fresh strawberries are finally ready to be picked.  Making a few salads this week using lettuce and herbs from the garden; and trying some more beverages using fresh seasonal fruit (rhubarb and strawberries) combined with homemade lemonade.

I am wearing...a hooded sweatshirt and pajama shorts.  It's still early morning and no one is awake yet...except some of the cats.  The dogs went back to bed after going outside and having breakfast.

I am creating...a window star for a customer later on today.  Have been helping Sophia and Olivia with embroidery projects.  This year I haven't done as much embroidery and quilting as I did last year.  I want to start doing that again.

I am the grocery store today to get some ingredients for food I'll be making for friends and family who will be visiting during the upcoming week.  Have 3 visits scheduled for the next week - two of which are with people I haven't seen for a long time.  Saw a friend who I've known since the late-1980s on Monday.  It's been nice re-connecting with people again.  Seems like a lot of time has been focused on caregiving and homeschooling recently.

I am I'm going to get the yard and gardens looking more presentable before Saturday's guests and Monday's 4-H club tour (with one of the stops here).  Between cleaning the house and the rain, I haven't had as much time as I'd hoped to work on the gardens. 

I am reading...Another Place at the Table - A Story of Shattered Childhoods Redeemed by Love by Kathy Harrison which is an incredibly good book about a woman who was a foster parent to more than one hundred children.  Read 14 chapters yesterday morning...couldn't put the book down.  Will be starting another book this morning - All That Matters by Jan Goldstein.

I am hoping...that my back pain goes away today...or at least diminishes a bit.   

I am looking forward to...looking at pictures I took earlier this week.  I enjoy looking at pictures and remembering what I saw or experienced. 

I am hearing...Gretel (the dog) taking a deep breath. The fan. Quiet. Complete peacefulness. Birds singing outside...the wren already singing away at 5:20 a.m.

Around the house...everything is off the carpeted floors since I spent the majority of yesterday vacuuming all the floors and then deep-cleaning them with the carpet cleaner.  They look so much better this morning.  Almost don't want to put anything back down.

I am pondering...the impact that Alzheimer's has had on my dad over the past year.  I looked at some pictures yesterday from last summer and it's amazing the effect the disease has had on him in just one year.  I am so thankful that he still knew who I was on Father's Day...but there were some times when he looked at me with blank stares (which I've never seen him do until Sunday) that were quite sobering and sad.

One of my favorite things...watching the wildlife here.  Enjoyed watching the goldfinish yesterday; listening to the baby wrens chirp whenever one of the parent wrens brings in food; seeing the woodpecker at the hummingbird feeder; watching a robin take a bath in a big puddle in the driveway; and seeing a huge rabbit jump in the backyard and hop to the hostas under the apple tree.

A few plans for the rest of the week...getting ready for guests on Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (each day are different people/groups of people).  Going to an event that celebrates summer at a local historical museum.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...of one of the peonies that are blooming.  These are ones that have been here for well over 15 years.  The Chinese peonies (that I planted a few years ago) just started blooming this year.  They're a beautiful shade of red with yellow centers.

Pink Peony

To see other people who are participating in the Simple Woman's Daybook during June, please click HERE.


  1. It is indeed a busy time of year for 4-Hers! Your peonies are beautiful!

  2. what a beautiful photo ~ and love reading your journaling for today! it's so sad about your dad and that disease..hugz to ya chickie!

  3. What an interesting way to lay out and post your thoughts for the day -- it gave a wonderful picture and you wrote it all very well.

    P.S. thanks for stopping a my blog.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!