Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cucumber-Basil Herbal Water

We've been drinking a lot of water recently to stay cool on these warm days. On Tuesday, the temperature got to 102 degrees. The girls and I couldn't believe it when we saw the reading on the car's thermometer:

The Twin Cities had the hottest temperature
in the country on Tuesday. 

Needless to say, having some variety in the water we're drinking is a welcome change.  When searching for recipes for herbal water on the internet, there was one that sounded intriguing from Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free:  Cucumber-Basil Herbal Water.

Sophia with a glass of cucumber basil herbal water
in the backyard garden. 
The irises started blooming a few days ago.

There are only a few items needed to make this herbal water..and it takes only a few minutes to put everything together.  Here's the recipe:

Cucumber Basil Herbal Water

1/4 English cucumber, thinly sliced
4 basil leaves, freshly picked from the garden and washed
3 slices fresh ginger
4 cups filtered water

Combine all of the ingredients in a canning jar and chill in the refrigerator. Let the water steep for at least an hour or as long as overnight. When you’re ready to drink the water, pour the water into a glass and enjoy.

Basil growing in the garden. 
It was planted about a month ago.

According to the Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free website, the cucumber has a cooling effect that is perfect for the summer heat. It also balances out the spicy ginger and basil.

The longer the water steeps, the stronger the flavor becomes. You could also try mint instead of basil or add lemon, lime, or orange slices. They’re all great. Play around with the amounts and flavorings and come up with your own version.


  1. Adding the ginger is interesting. Hmmm...might have to try that. :-)

  2. We were delighted by the wild storms that blew through here last night and broke the heat. But the wind was crazy and some folks had trees come down in their neighborhoods. Mother Nature has been busy as a weather-maker lately!

    I look forward to trying your recipe for herbal water. I keep a pitcher of water with lemon slices on the door of our fridge...easy to grab and pour.

    Thanks for this post!

  3. Sounds refreshing! I have everything but the ginger on hand.

  4. Esto es muy agradable website.They se venden en forma de comprimidos, cápsulas, polvos, té, extractos, y plantas frescas o secas. La gente usa las hierbas medicinales para tratar de mantener o mejorar su salud.

    herbal alternative


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