Friday, May 13, 2011

Kids Clothes Week Challenge - Days 1-5

I'm participating in the Kids Clothes Week Challenge (KCWC), and am trying to make at least two items this week - a skirt for Sophia and a kuspuk for Olivia (a Native Alaskan outfit that is like a dress with a hood and pocket that can be worn on its own or over clothes/jacket). 

The goal for KCWC is to work just one hour per day (or more, if you have the time) and see what you are able to create.

So, on Day 1 (Monday), I cut out the pattern for Olivia's kuspuk, found a pattern for Sophia's skirt, and purchased fabric.  The kuspuk will be a bit large for Olivia, but I don't have a smaller size pattern since I purchased this one when I visited Alaska many years ago. 

I hesitate to do too much changing of the pattern since I've never sewn a kuspuk before.  Maybe after I do one, then I'd be able to see where I could modify the pattern.

On Day 2 (Tuesday), I washed and ironed the fabric.  I laid out the pattern pieces on the fabric for the kuspuk.

WIP - Kuspuk for Olivia
Pattern pieces laid out and pinned for Olivia's kuspuk.

On Day 3 (Wednesday), I laid out the pattern pieces for Sophia's skirt.  I also cut out all the pieces for both the kuspuk and skirt.

On Day 4 (Thursday), I pinned Sophia's skirt together and read the directions for the kuspuk and skirt.  I didn't have much extra time on the fourth day because I was with my parents for the day helping them and volunteers from Keller Williams who were helping my parents as part of their Red Day 2011.

On Day 5 (Friday), I sewed (and finished!) Sophia's skirt.  It did not take that long to sew since there were only six pieces (two pieces for the yoke and four pieces for the skirt).  Sophia did not want a ruffle, lace, or trim on the skirt so that made it even easier - just a basic hem.

Simple skirt for Sophia.

She likes the skirts and wants me to make more for her.  "The fabric is really soft!" She also likes it because she chose how tight she wanted the waistband and length of the skirt.  That's something you can't do when you buy clothes in the store.

With this simple skirt done, she has requested now more complicated, multi-layer skirts.  She brought down examples from her closet.  "Can you make me one like this one?" she asked. 

"We'll have to get a pattern at Joanns that matches what the skirt looks like," I told her. 

That will be the next project...after the kuspuk.


  1. Good job on the skirt and good luck on your next project! Sewing is something I haven't done a much of for years, but maybe next winter I can try again. Meanwhile, I have to barter with sewing friends. :-)

  2. Very nice skirt! And I love the idea of sewing an hour a day. I finally got my machine out and serviced and sewing about that much each day so that I could fit it in with everything else. I forgot how busy spring can be when you're trying to plant a garden, raise new layers, meat hens, bees.... whew! But the sewing feeds my creative side. I can wait to see the Kuspuk. It's totally new to me.

  3. What kuspuk pattern did you use? The only pattern I have seen is "Kuspuk pattern by Lois" and was wondering if that's what you used and how did you like it?

  4. The "Kuspuk Pattern by Lois" is the one I used. It comes in different sizes. It's easy to follow and had very clear instructions.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!