Saturday, April 23, 2011

52 Weeks of Giving - Week 16 - Make and Deliver Food to People Facing Health Issues

This week for the 52 Weeks of Giving challenge that the girls are doing, I had them focus on serving others who are dealing with major health issues and/or who are caregiving for someone who has challenges with their health.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the girls and I made a variety of food for a friend who is recovering from a double masectomy.  She had surgery earlier this month, and is doing very well. 

Sophia and Olivia holding some of the food we made
for a friend recovering from surgery.

However, having to make meals for her family and then cleaning the kitchen and dishes afterwards certainly is something that she has needed help with during the month.  Because people have been bringing her meals, she can focus her energy on healing and her health. 

We also made food that we gave to the girls' grandma ("Nana") for her 81st birthday.  She is caring for the girls' grandpa ("Papa")/my dad who has Alzheimer's Disease.  Coupled with her own health issues, having the energy to make meals can be challenging at times. 

One of the desserts or snacks the girls made for
their grandparents: Cinnamon and Sugar Triangles.

So, we made a variety of breakfast food (two different egg bakes), quick breads (banana and pumpkin spice), and desserts (lemonade cake, macaroons, cupcakes, and cinnamon and sugar triangles) that we gave to Nana/my mom on Easter (which also happened to be her birthday).

Olivia holding the lamb cake she helped make and decorate.
The macaroons were some of the desserts
that the girls' grandparents received. 
The lamb cake had 8 candles in it (one per decade)
for Nana's/my mom's birthday.


  1. What a great thing to do Ann! And very creative dishes ... love this cake! :-)

    - Kara Priesmeyer Riedesel

  2. That lamb cake is fantastic! Love the idea of your 52 weeks of giving. Very inspiring!


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!