Monday, March 7, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my's still dark outside, but the trees are now visible against the snow.

I am thinking...I'm going to wait until Wednesday to begin the 30 Day Vegan Workshop.  It makes more sense to begin that day for me since I want to include a lesson about Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras today with the girls and make some food that ties into the day. 

I am thankful for...the quiet and peacefulness of the morning when I am the only one awake in the home.  (Well...I guess some of the cats and dogs are awake.  They go between resting and being awake.)

From the learning rooms...I'll be concentrating on doing science lessons with Sophia and Olivia this morning. Also will be reading aloud part of The Landmark History of the American People to Sophia.  She'll be reading aloud Om-kas-toe (a story from the Blackfeet tribe). Olivia will be finishing her unit study on Aesop's Fables.  We'll be learning about Mardi Gras and Shrove Tuesday today.

From the kitchen...I'll be making pancakes for breakfast as a way to celebrate Shrove Tuesday (aka "Fat Tuesday"). According to Wikipedia, "Pancakes are associated with the day preceding Lent because they were a way to use up rich foodstuffs such as eggs, milk, and sugar, before the fasting season of the 40 days of Lent. The liturgical fasting emphasized eating plainer food and refraining from food that would give pleasure.  In many cultures, this means no meat, dairy, or eggs."

I am wearing...a long-sleeve t-shirt, short-sleeve t-shirt, pajama pants, and warm socks.  It's still morning...only 6:16 a.m.

I am creating...a yellow window star for a customer so I can mail it to her today. 

Gold Sunburst Window Star
This is the yellow window star that I'll be making.

I am hopefully use some gift cards to purchase a new dishwasher this week.  After doing dishes by hand for well over a month, it's time for a new dishwasher.  Since I'm cooking three meals a day from scratch, there are a lot of dishes each day.  My time can be better spent doing other things that are more meaningful and have a greater impact.

I am reading...several books are "next in line" on my bookshelf:  Backyard Bird Secrets for Every Season - Attract a Variety of Nesting, Feding, and Singing Birds Year-Round  by Sally Roth; Parched by Heather King; and Home Safe Home - Proecting Yourself and Your Family from Everday Toxics and Harmful Household Products by Debra Lynn Dadd.

I am hoping...that today is a better day for my parents who have had some rather challenging days recently due to my dad having Alzheimer's Disease and my mom caring for him at home. 

I am hearing...some new bird chips and calls.  I think some of the migrating birds are coming back now!  A sure sign of spring!!

Around the house...are projects that need to be done (as in repairs)...and projects that I would enjoy doing (sewing, embroidery, and cross-stitching). 

One of my favorite things...the land that this home is on.  I love seeing all the birds and wildlife that have made it their permanent or temporary home. 

A few plans for the rest of the week: organize my closet as part of the five-week Project Simplify challenge; take Olivia to the opthamologist for her quarterly appointment; go to the optometrist (for Sophia and me); and take out the bikes after the last snowfall melts this week so we can begin biking since the roads are now free from ice and snow. 

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...about a year ago at this time, there was no snow on the ground and the girls were wearing short sleeves outside.  Here they are taking Eenie for a walk around the backyard.  He was a good sport about wearing a collar and being led around by a leash. I think he was just excited to be out and exploring.

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  1. Stopping by and following via the Wlatz on by Wednesday Blog Hop. Your work is beautiful, love the yellow piece you did.

  2. What a wonderful idea! I think this might be something I need to incorporate into my journaling. Simple way to express your day!

  3. I loved reading your 'day book'!what a lovely idea!
    I have fond memories of Pancake Tuesday as a child - we always had pancakes with golden syrup!

    Just stopped by to let you know I passed on a blog award to you! Come and take a look!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!