Friday, March 4, 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal - Week 3

In my life this week...

I'm continuing to work on goals I set earlier in the week for getting my filing done so I can begin working on taxes; and for my shop on Etsy, Harvest Moon by Hand.  Received an order for three hand-embroidered donuts made from wool felt which I made on Tuesday.

I completed a quilt square for a swap on Swap-Bot which was nice to have done.  It was a combination of applique and embroidery.

Appliqued and embroidered quilt square.
The hand-written words are required elements for the swap.

Enjoyed trying some new vegetarian recipes in preparation for the 30 Day Vegan Workshop which officially begins on Monday, March 7th. 

Made a broccoli salad with sunflower seeds and a raspberry vinaigrette one day; and a whole-wheat mini-rigatoni pasta salad with fresh tomatoes, red onions, basil, garlic, and parsley.

A glimpse into the cupboard...ready for the 30 Day Vegan Workshop.

In our homeschool this week...

The girls focused this week on math (Sophia is learning about fractions, long division, and measurements; and Olivia is learning about 2-digit borrowing and addition; telling time at quarter hours; and geometric shapes). 

Sophia's math book.

They did another lesson using the Atelier program which they are enjoying.  This lesson focused on drawing frogs in various positions (e.g., sitting, jumping). 

They continued doing activities related to Ukraine (this is the ABC Journey Around the World that I've been doing with the girls for a couple years now). They made "Kovbasa and Kapusta" (Ukrainian Sausage and Sauerkraut). 

The girls eating the Ukrainian lunch they prepared.

We spent time learning about Wales on March 1st when St. David's Day was celebrated there (St. David is the Patron Saint of Wales).  They enjoyed seeing pictures of the castles, animals, and landscape of Wales as well as learning more about Princess Diana. 

Olivia's paper quilts.  Under each heart is something
she wrote using the prompt:
I know my mom loves me because _______. 
She loves me more than a _____ loves its _______.

The girls both finished their paper quilt squares that tied into the book Mama Do You Love Me?  We all liked this book.  It reminded me of traveling to Alaska many years ago and seeing some of the animals featured in the book as well as the colorful dresses worn by some of the girls there.

Olivia - The Young Photographer
Olivia wearing a handmade kuspuk from Alaska.
She's at Cutface Creek in Grand Marais (MN) about 5 years ago.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

Today, Olivia has her weekly speech therapy appointment.  She also will have an evaluation done by one of the special education teachers at the local elementary school. 

Next week Olivia has her quarterly appointment with her opthamologist on Wednesday; and Sophia and I have appointments with an optometrist on Thursday.  It will be interesting to see who needs changes in their prescriptions, and if Sophia needs glasses (I've been noticing she's been squinting a lot).

The homeschool co-op, which normally meets on Monday, is on spring break.  They are going swimming on Tuesday and choir on Wednesday.

I'd like to contact the Courage Center and book an appointment for both of the girls for this week to have an aquatic assessment as well as look at the sensory gym.  The Couage Center has some excellent programs for children who have sensory integration dysfunction, and I think it would be good to get them enrolled in a program(s) that would help address their sensory needs.

My favorite thing this week was...

Hearing Sophia play the piano and listening to how far she's come along in less than six months.  Also watching the bean seeds that Olivia planted sprout.

Olivia's bean seeds starting to emerge from the dirt. 
This is for one of her science experiments.

What's working/not working for us...

I wish there was more time in each day to do all the hands-on activities that I'd like to do with the girls.  Even though I'm able to do things each week that are more hands-on and engaging for them, the reality is that these things take a lot more time than simply doing a page in a workbook.  Yet, the impact on their learning is far greater because they will remember these activities more than simply filling in the answer in a workbook or doing a worksheet. 

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...

As the annual homeschool conference nears, I'm starting to explore curricula that is geared towards more visual-spatial learners - like Olivia.  I was looking for a way to determine the learning style(s) of each daughter before investing in curricula and learning materials for the next school year. 

There was an assessment tool that I found online that was for both the teacher/parent as well as the student to complete.  I need to find that again and have both girls do that  (as well as do that myself for both of the girls).
A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

The Christmas Cactus that my Dad gave me many years ago
is in full bloom. It blooms only twice a year.


  1. Wow!! You have been super busy. Keep up the good work =)

  2. I enjoyed your journal today. The picture of your daughter is precious. It looks like you are such a good homeschooling mom!
    I am your newest follower!


  3. Great pics!

    The Broccoli salad sounds delicious!

    Stopping by from the Hop :O)

  4. Looks like you're having alot of fun in your homeschool. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my post, and for reminding me about WHY I homeschool in the first place. You would think after 6 years of homeschooling I'd know these things by now, but sometimes I need to be reminded. I hope you'll stop by again soon, so nice to meet you!


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!